Monday, 24 December 2012


                                The ten most famous people on moviestarplanet!!!!!!!

1st. Isacool and while she was doing it she earned 7.651.244s sc

2nd. Diavanile and while she was doing it she earned 4.365.893sc

3rd. candired and while she was doing it she earned 4.138.307 sc

4th.lucky lilly and while she was doing it she earned 3.922.187sc
5th. chuck while he was doing that he earned 2.994.906 sc

6th. little A while she was doing that she earned 2.766.483sc
7th.pandy polo while she was doing that she earned 3.466.438sc

8th. xsparkelsxx while she was doing it she earned 2.340.281sc

9th.alishak while she was doing it she earend 1.922.464sc

10th-anna- while she was doing it she earned 296.497sc

 If i was one of those people i would make sure i did't get hacked ........:)